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“What fruit do you hope for God to nurture within you this year?” Mr. M asks his grade 4 students. He shares about a virtue he hopes and prays God will nurture in his own life.

He assigns students to choose one fruit of the Spirit that they hope will be nurtured within themselves. The second part of the assignment involves choosing one type of fruit that represents this virtue and creating it out of paper mache.

Students chatter and reflect. Their responses are breathtaking. One student comments, “Patience is a virtue I would like to develop… what fruit takes a long time to germinate and grow?” He researches this question, decides on a pineapple and begins to work.

As we venture into this new school year, our teachers have already delved into looking deeply at what it means for God to bestow upon us the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians. These virtues do not come naturally to us. However, when we welcome God to work in our lives and look to Him, we are amazed by the fruit he produces in our thoughts and actions.

This year, students will create art, memorize & learn to sign Galations 5:22-23, and converse with teachers about this theme. It’s our prayer that each child will grow in faith and knowledge of Christ and the fruit he nurtures in our lives when we look to Him.

Please feel free to join us for community worship on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am. Gain a stronger understanding of our school theme and hope for your children this year.

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